Friday, April 20, 2012


The Northeast Area Command conducted a Welfare Tact Plan in various
locations throughout the Area Command. The locations included the
underpass behind 2600 Menual NE, the drainage area at 2020 Menual NE,
the Power Lines at the TA Truck stop, the Bear Arroyo, the North Hahn
Arroyo, the Hahn Arroyo and several parks.
The operation commenced at 0730 hrs. Solid Waste department
provided two crews and four trucks to assist in cleaning up homeless
camps. Thank you to Superintendent Marco Holloway, Supervisor Michael
Faris, Field Coordinator Andrew Torn, Danny Madrid, Mark Sandoval and
Angelo Gallegos. Several truck loads of rubbish was collected and
hauled away.
Open Space provided Officers Jason Harvey and Melvin Chadwick. They
covered 23.2 miles on four wheel vehicles and located two homeless men.
With the assistance of Jodie Jepson, COAST, arrangements were made for
bus fares to Las Vegas, Nevada and Austin, Texas.
Officers Nicholas Sanders and Michael Benavidez located a homeless
gentleman near the dumpster at 2600 Menaul NE. COAST/CIT detectives
Xavier Lopez, Jeffrey Cumbie and Celina Lopez were on scene to provide
assistance. He was transported to St. Martins.
Homeless camps at 2600 Menaul NE, 2020 Menual NE and TA truck stop
were cleaned up by solid waste. Northeast Bike Officers Gil Vigil,
Daren Deaguero and Scott McMurrough, Swing Shift, came in early to
provide protection to Solid Waste employees.
APD Horse Mounted Units led by Lieutenant T. Lopez with Officers
Christopher Marquez and Deirdre Candelaria worked the North Hahn Arroyo
and adjacent parks making many positive contacts with the residents.
Officers Tim Lonz, Richard Altman, Michael Benavidez, Tomo Steward,
Matthew Hoisington, Nicholas Sanders and Sergeant Molander walked the
North Hahn Arroyo from Pennsylvania to San Mateo. This arroyo was a
concern of a neighborhood association regarding grafitti and possible
drug activity. Officers contacted the City of Albuquerque Grafitti Unit
to remove grafitti at the San Pedro/North Hahn Arroyo. No drug activity
was detected.
The Northeast Area Command would like to thank all of the
specialized units for their resources to make the tact plan a big